I know… you’re not blogging anymore but you should be. Forget about social media, Facebook – can you easily find old “posts” on Facebook? Can you easily categorize them? Facebook and other so-called “Web 2.0” sort of revolutionized the internet but I don’t think it was for the best.
So much great content has now been lost – and while there is tons of information available, can you find that post on Facebook that you read last week and thought was interesting? I bet you can’t. While you can comment and engage in “conversations,” it’s not the same as it was with the big days of blogging!
Let’s bring those days back.
Remember the fun “flame” days? One day, you loved Kate at Small Dead Animals; the next day you despised her. Remember those days? Here – check out the latest post over there and let’s see if we can start another flame war… just kidding, Kate 😉
Revive Blogging Today!
Oh, the fun times with Robert McClelland of “My Blahg,” the hate and idiocy of Warren Kinsella, and so many more good times.
Did you know that Kathy Shaidle has passed away? I bet you didn’t – you had your nose stuck in Facebook and didn’t bother to visit FlamingCatFur. Although some found her a tad caustic, I’m sure you’re going to feel some sadness that she’s gone.
We’re going to do our best to get into the archives of PolSpy – and try to add more value in the future.
Delete your Facebook accounts. Get back to blogging!
Do it now.